I am sure you all have a bucket list of sorts. Mine is rather long and includes things like travel, gadgets and stuff for our home. My list also contains a few crazy things like bungee jumping and getting a tattoo. When Nedbank asked me to share the top items on my Nedbank Bucket List, I had to think hard about where my priorities lie.
My Nedbank Bucket List
Photo Source Pixabay
So what are the items at the top of my Bucket List? International travel would usually be my first choice; there are however a few household items, as well as renovation projects that take priority.
The first two items on my list are both home orientated. Firstly the flooring in our living room, dining room and kitchen, is in desperate need of replacing. If any of you have done renovations lately, you will know exactly how costly flooring can be!
Second on the list is a new oven/range. We inherited an old Eurogas range when we moved into our new home a few years ago. Sadly I had to leave my stunning new Smeg range behind when we sold our previous home. That, however, is an unfortunate story for another time. I know that these items do not come cheap but I love cooking, and the old oven is falling apart.
Photo by Philippe Verheyden on Unsplash
Naturally, travel does feature on my medium-term bucket list because it is something I love doing! There are a few places on my radar at the moment. Closer to home would be Zanzibar, which I have heard is beautiful. Other destinations on my list include New Zealand, as well as somewhere exotic like China or Japan.
Photo by Kevin Jarrett on Unsplash
The other things I would love to do in the very near future are bungee jumping and a hot air balloon trip. I am a bit of an adrenaline junkie, so these types of activities have always appealed to me.
Lastly and possibly the craziest of the lot is a tattoo. My hubby and I have been talking about this for the longest time, and I think 2019 might be the year. So watch this space.
A lovely list I know but most of these things cost a considerable amount of money. If you are like us and have kids at school, you will understand that disposable income is a distant memory.
I will let you in on a little secret. Quite a few of our travel trips were financed with a credit card. I am not saying get into heaps of debt, leaving no money for food at the end of the month. Credit, however, can be your friend. It is all about how well you manage your money and how quickly you make your repayments.
A well-managed credit or cheque card is the ideal way of funding the extraordinary, as well as the more necessary purchases you desire. By using your bank cards responsibly, you can finance items and experiences through various convenient digital payment channels. The bonus is the additional rewards you can earn in the process.
How Can Nedbank Help Tick Things Off Your Bucket List
Photo Source Pixabay
So how can a Nedbank Card get you and me one step closer to ticking things off your bucket list?
Nedbank cards are specifically designed to provide all South Africans with the tools they need to manage their money well. These range from secure cash-free digital or physical payment transactions to affordable credit you can access at any time.
Nedbank card-based payment solutions are quick and easy, whether you opt for the ease of a cheque card or the convenience of access to extra funds through a credit card.
They also have a massive range of card solutions designed for every need, from American Express and Mastercard to Visa cards. Each card has unique features, which unlock the benefits that best suit your lifestyle.
Cardholders also have access to a range of digital payment solutions; these range from a unique scan to pay option, to various partner-based payment mechanisms, as well as eCommerce solutions. The majority of which are accessible via the award-winning NedbankMoney™ App.”
Another great benefit is the range of valuable rewards programmes, which includes Nedbank Greenbacks, the only rewards-based points, which can be drawn as cash and used worldwide. You are also able to earn air miles to book your dream holiday through the SAA Voyager card, as well as a domestic or global companion ticket, lounge access, premium check-in and more when flying on SAA.
Win a R50 000 Nedbank Bucket List Experience
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With the new Nedbank Bucket List campaign, you now have the opportunity to make your dream experiences come true with an exciting competition. The campaign is Nedbank’s way of encouraging clients to put the vast range of Nedbank cards available to them to work. Six Nedbank cardholders will have the chance to have all their dreams come true and win a once-in-a-lifetime #NedbankBucketList experience to the value of R50 000.
All you need to do to stand a chance of winning your Nedbank Bucket List experience is own, or take out, a Nedbank cheque or credit card, and use your card at least five times per month, to pay for the everyday necessities or experiences you want.
To apply for a Nedbank cheque or credit card, and put yourself in line to win a R50 000 #NedbankBucketList experience, go to www.nedbank.co.za/bucketlist or visit any Nedbank branch.
What Is On Your Bucket List?
I would love to know what is on your Bucket List; please share your hearts greatest desires in the comment section below.
Images: ©2010 – 2018 Inspired Living and Fiona Rossiter. {Please do not use any images featured on this website without written consent from the copyright holder and owner}
Please note this article was written in partnership with Nedbank for the Nedbank Bucketlist campaign. All opinions, content, and images are the property of Inspired Living or Fiona Rossiter unless otherwise stated. To see more, read the full PR & Disclosure Policy below.

Hi, Fiona. I just bought a house which I haven’t done any work to it except to build a wall around the yard and tried fitting in the shower door which is not properly fitted due to the fact that the bathroom wall is not straight and this saddens me since I’m a paying a lot of money every month but the house is not really in a satisfactory condition.
It is a new development house but the walls are starting to crack and the contractor told me that it is acceptable cracks.
So, for me my Nedbank Bucket list experience is to have a well fixed house that is tiled on the floor and wall in all rooms and which is fitted with kitchen, bathroom and bedroom wall units.
My other desire is to have the house repainted inside and outside. Thank you